Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Little Chef

Check out Poopie Pastries new logo! What should I name my little chef?

Made just for you!

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

So, what do you think of the newest edition? These olive and chocolate dot cupcakes are made with a designer burp/washcloth, a premium diaper, and a baby washcloth. Mmmm!

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Weekend Deal

Don't forget to check out poopiepastries.etsy.com for fabulous and functional baby gifts this weekend! Weekend deals!!

Lesson # 2 - Not all babies need to sleep a lot

Wooohooo! What a morning! Who thought that at 10 months a baby would go to bed at 8 and be getting up at 5:30 am! With only two 45 minute naps all day! Oh, and did I mention she is still getting up at least once a night too! Man, am I sleepy. I think I have been in a daze since she was born.

To update you on my exhaustion, Emelia was a colicky baby. She would start screaming around 10 pm and go until about 4 am...straight. This started the very first night she came home from the hospital and lasted the first two months. We finally figured out a way to sooth her to sleep at around two months old. A HAIR DRYER! That's right, I had a hair dryer with a cold setting, and turning it on low would instantly dry her tears! So I MacGyvered a shoe lace and the hair dryer so it would hang outside the crib and MAGIC! She instantly started sleeping 2-3 hours at a time!

So I then began trying to make up for lost time in the sleep department. Keep in mind she was only taking three 30 minute naps at this point as well. And I want to know who came up with the "sleep while the baby sleeps" things? Easier said than done my friend! Especially being overly tired and having a baby only sleep 30 mintues long.

Fast forward by about 7 months and things are getting better. She is sleeping longer at night, but I had no idea some babies could sleep smaller amounts. I had this image in my head of babies passing out for hours and hours, all day long! I don't know who put it there or why, but it was there. Silly me! Too many baby shows during pregnancy I suppose.

I am sure those extra hours she isn't sleeping helped contribute to her mobility and walking at 8 1/2 months, so I guess it is a blessing in disguise...a baggy eye disguise. I love Emelia to death...she is my world! But I totally wish my world contained more sleep :)

Monday, August 24, 2009

Lesson #1 - Babies should not play with cell phones

Well, my darling Emelia decided to drop my cell phone into the dog's water dish. What to do? Cell phone does not want to turn on and I am feeling completely abandoned by the outside world now. What did we do before cell phones?! I know I didn't have one in high school...only the old school pager for me. So how did I stay in contact with my friends? How did they know what I was doing via facebook via cell phone accessed internet? How the world changes so quickly. Not only with technology, but in life. Thus we come full circle back to Emelia...how can she be turning one next week?!